September is Nat'l Disaster Preparedness Month…Is Your Family Ready?

We all think about it.  You know, disasters.  But it will never happen to you, right?  Wrong.

Hurricane Hugo 1989Disasters happen to us all whether we like it or not.  We all always think that it will never happen to us or our family, but it obviously happens to someone and their family.  We never like to think about going through a disaster, but what if a hurricane hit us here in Charleston and Mount Pleasant?  Are you prepared?  What is your plan?  How are you going to get through it?  These are tough questions to ask and we always push them to the back burner, but at some point we need to face them.  Here are a few things to consider and some links to check out to help out your family design a plan of action should a disaster occur whether it be a hurricane, fire, or earthquake.

Should you need any assistance or have any additional questions, please contact our office at 843.763.4200 or email Andrew Muller directly at

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