New Flood Insurance Maps for Charleston County Are Coming in January 2021

If you have not heard, the New Flood Insurance Maps will FINALLY go into effect in January 2021.  MOST properties will see a positive change, but not all.  Check out how your property will be affected by following this link, Charleston County Flood Maps.

Here is what we at Mappus Insurance suggest as it relates to New Flood Insurance Maps for various situations:

New Flood Insurance Maps | Charleston County

New Flood Insurance Maps | Charleston County | What Should I Do?As one of the leading flood insurance underwriters in the country, Mappus Insurance is well equipped with many “private” flood insurance companies that compete with the FEMA flood insurance program and in many cases can cut your flood insurance premium in half (or more).  If you are interested in seeing these options, please let us know my completing the form below and one of our flood insurance advisors will reach out.


***P.S. if you are in need of searching for a current elevation certificate in the City of Charleston, you can check here.  Please note this is only for the City of Charleston and its not guaranteed to be here…but its a start and just might be!

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